Friday, August 5, 2011


As I am traveling quite a bit until I leave for my amazing trip I was sort of forced to apply already now for a VISA to India. However, the normal TOURIST VISA they grant is a VISA with a validity of 3 months. What would mean that if I apply now and it gets granted within the normal time (5 business days) then my VISA would have expired by the time I get to India. Not good.

Tuesday I wrote a letter to the Visa Consular with an explanation of all my undertakings and asked to permit me a TOURIST VISA with a validity of 6 months.

Wednesday morning I went to the Hague and handed over my passport, all the required documents and my letter. Today (2 days later!) I was already able to pick up my passport and when I opened it I saw a beautiful TOURIST VISA inside, with a signature, stamp, and 6 months validity :)

Happy girl.

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