Friday, July 29, 2011


In my mind so many dreams go round and it seems they all want to go out and be explored, brought into life, made possible, although quite a few of them seem to be the kind of the impossible.

But hey, if your dreams don't scare you a bit, you might not dream big enough :)

Today, while driving in my car, singing my heart out to Jesus on the top of my lungs to a song that I do enjoy so much in this season of my life, I was also thinking... (Yes, driving, singing and thinking ALL at the same time. God made us incredible creatures!) People without vision perish. I think a danger, and a flip side to this verse might be "People with too much vision may die without fulfilling their many dreams."

This might sound somewhat depressing, however what I mean by this is that people, like me, who have vision for quite the number of things (like loooots) often don't know where to start and end up doing little or nothing. Many of such people are risking to end up becoming a prisoner to their own dreams.

I rather go to heaven right now than that I am doing not the things that are in my heart. I dearly love freedom, I love passion, I love the things hidden in my heart.

It is a sweet thing to know the seasons and the times of things. To do things in season brings along the fruit it should produce, because the fruit is ready to be yielded.

Last year I thought and prayed about my life. I decided that it was time to start to fulfill certain dreams I have. One longtime dream that I cherish is to visit India. From the very beginning of my journey with Jesus I have this passion, this love, for this nation. I want revival to sweep this nation. And, yes, of course I want to see the dead raised, the blind see, the crippled walk and all that good stuff. However, I would really LOVE to see revival in the governmental realm. The caste-system in India is a system of division. It is a spirit that feeds the mind and soul with the lie that not all people are created equal. It even goes so far to say that certain people, the Dalits, are lower than animals, not created by God, they are not human.

My heart breaks when I hear the pit of hell. And the sad truth is, that to this day this still happens there. Gladly there are also good things happening in India. Praise God. However, in my opinion we haven't even scratched the surface what it means to have true Revival.

How beautiful would it be if a great revival starts in a nation where once a man, Thomas, who used to be a doubting soul, went to speak of the wonder and splendor of Jesus, because he had seen and he believed!

Dreams. They do come true. And we should dream way more. Especially if your dreams don't frighten you (in a good way!). Dream big. Dream with God.

"When the Lord brought back His exiles to Zion, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter and we sang for joy. And the other nations said "What amazing things the Lord has done for them." Ps 126

God, the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. He wants to see India become His. He wants to see these people be filled with laughter and joy. He wants them to dream. To dream with Jesus.

In about two months I start to travel for a few months. First I will visit the USA for a while, followed by the Pacific and then I am off to Asia.
As my plans progress more I'll try to post here updates, stories and pictures.
